Artist + Graphic Designer + Freelancer + Business Owner

Meet the Artist

+ Get to know a little about me
+ Character art journey
+ Graphic Design journey
+ Business journey

- COMING MID 2024 -

Art Store

+ Cute bright witchy art products
+ Art Prints
+ Stationary
+ Magic and more!

Character Art

+ Character Art Portfolio
+ Character Art Commissions
+ Character Art TOS
+ Order Character Art Commission


Graphic Design

+ Graphic Design Portfolio
+ SM Posts & Management
+ Layout & Logo Design
+ Order Graphic Design Services

Meet the artist

Follow your path and live authentically to yourself

Hello I'm Nonzev! It's nice to meet you!I've been on my digital art and graphic design journey from back as early as 2005. Drawing characters is something I enjoyed doing as a young teen and it sparked my interest in graphic design.I started pursuing a career as a digital artist and graphic design freelancer in January 2022. I have slowly started my small business journey beginning in 2023 and plan to launch an online store mid to late 2024. Thank you for coming to my site and supporting my work, even if you're just browsing!CHARACTER ART
My passion for character drawing stemmed from Japanese Anime which I watched as a child and teen. In 2014 I discovered some artists on Deviant Art that inspired me so much, I started to really learn about drawing and grow my skills.
I pursued a degree in Graphic Design and graduated with a BA in 2009. I got my first official job in the industry in 2013. I've done social media management, digital and print ads, branding, logos, email blasts and more.
My small business journey is just beginning as I work to put together cute witchy art products with fun characters and phrases. Beginning my art store online and some in person markets has been a big undertaking but it has felt worth it to pursue my passions and share that love with an audience.
If you have any questions on my work don't hesitate to send me an email.

Character Art Portfolio

Sketches Gallery

Character Art
Commission Information


Art Commission status: OPEN

My Commission prices listed are for personal use only
Personal use means the artwork WON’T make you any kind of profit (monetary or promotional)

Commercial Use commissions are double or triple the price of a personal use commission. Prices may vary depending on complexity, more information on commercial prices is found in my TOS.

Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you indicate that you have read and agree to my Terms of Service. It’s important for you to read it as you’ll automatically be accepting my terms upon your purchase. I am not responsible if the commissioner fails to read the terms of service that I provide.

What I Draw

I draw in an anime inspired art style that is my own and as I am always growing my style will change slightly from piece to piece.WILL DRAW:
- Girls & Boys (Keep in mind my style is cutsey)
- Kiminomimis, Elves, Monster Features
- Furries (No Feral forms)
- Small animals with a character
- NSFW/Nudity (I don't mind underwear though!)
- Violence & Gore (Small amounts of blood is fine)
- Mecha
- Touchy Subjects (If something falls into this section I will inform you)
I’m not looking for any sort of business that involves NFTs or AI art

How To Order

Send the order text on the Order Form page to my email: [email protected]
OR use the form on the Order Form page to send the order text
Email Subject: “Art Commission Order”
Please don’t order a commission through DMs or comments, only email
I’ll reply within 72 hours and let you know if I can accept your commission or not. NO payment is needed until I notify you that I am ready to begin work on it and an invoice will be sent.
If ordering a commercial Use commission we will discuss details and pricing as stated in my TOS.

Commission options

{NONZEV FULLBODY} - - - $120

• 1 Clean line art full body digital illustration • Simple background design or transparent
Add On: • 2nd Character +$100 (Max 2 characters allowed) • Small animal/pet +$30*
• Complex background +$80* • *Price may vary depending on complexity

{NONZEV CHIBI} - - - $85

• 1 Clean line art chibi digital illustration • Simple background design or transparent
Add On: • 2nd Character +$65 (Max 2 characters allowed) • Small animal/pet +$20*
• Complex background +$80* • *Price may vary depending on complexity


• 1 Clean line art head shot digital illustration • Simple background design or transparent
Add On: • 2nd Character +$55 (Max 2 characters allowed) • Complex background +$80*
*Price may vary depending on complexity


• 1 Clean line art full body digital illustration • Simple background design
• Name and bio/info text • Small images with details of character’s outfit
• 4 Emotion line art head shots with text
Add On: • Character design +$180*
*Price may vary depending on complexity


• 1 Clean line art full body digital illustration of a unique character design made for you
• Simple background design or transparent
Add On: • Character sheet +$180*
*Price may vary depending on complexity

Bigger Project?

If you have a lengthy project that is hard to explain through a form, send me an email letting me know a few details so I can tell you if I'm interested or if I'll be able to take the work.Please tell me what you are working on (game, story, etc.). I would prefer a concise summary that represents the core of the project, just to get a sense of the kind of drawings that I will be creating.Next, I would need information on what I will be drawing, if designing is involved, and the quantity of illustrations you need from me so that I can adjust the price accordingly. Let me know when the deadline is and I will tell you if I am able to join your project or not.Feel free to include any other info that you consider useful for me to understand what you’re looking for.


If you have any other questions send me an email, you can title it "Art Questions" and I'll respond within 72 hours.Thank you for being interested in my art and business!

Terms of Service (TOS)
Character Art

Ordering a commission means that you have read and agree to the following conditions in my Terms of Service. Please read carefully!

General Terms

- I am not responsible if the commissioner fails to read the terms of service that I provide.
- I reserve the right to refuse or cancel any commission.
- You are only purchasing the digital file. Not printed art.
- Please be sure to always save your commissioned artwork! I am not responsible if you lose the files I send you.
- Don't ask me to draw in a different style. Please don’t commission me because you can't order art from your favorite artist, commission me because you like my artwork and my own style.
- Even if the provided reference of your character has a color palette section, I'll probably modify them a bit to make them fit my style (it's just a slight change). However, if you want me to stick to them, please specify it on the form.
- As an artist, my art is constantly evolving, so there might be slight differences between the samples in my gallery and the illustration you will receive (line art style, coloring method, composition, etc.). They are typically slight changes so please keep that in mind. Do not commission me if this is an issue.
- Be sure to always tell me exactly what you want to prevent any dissatisfaction. This commission is for you, and you are not hurting my feelings by giving Feedback. Please refer to the “What I draw” section of the commission info.
- By purchasing any of my services you automatically accept my Terms of Service, and you are obligated to follow them. At the same time, you're promising you won’t request a Paypal charge back.

Work Speed

- I will always work as hard as I can to provide service as fast as possible. however, please be patient with me as I am not a machine.
- Commissions may take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to complete. This time frame is a guesstimate and could be shorter or longer depending on my work load. You will be notified if there is a delay for any reason.
- If you have a specific deadline it must be stated in your original order. I still require at least the 2 week minimum as I am a freelancer and my workload fluctuates often. If your piece is too complicated for me to complete in the time requested I will deny the commission.
- Upon completion of the commission I will send you the full resolution picture and a smaller post version via a deviant art stash link by email. (My logo will remain on the post version)

Changes on Art

- Once I have begun work on the commission and complete the sketch, I will show it to you. This is the time to request any changes or adjustments. I will have to wait for you to reply to make sure everything is good to go before continuing. This time waiting for the reply is not counted towards the 2 week wait time. I am not responsible if you do not get back to me in a timely manner. If you are NOT ok with this, feel free to ask me to skip showing you the sketch in the original order.
- If you ask to not see the sketch, I will just continue on with the process without checking with you.
- I will not make any major changes to a final finished picture as it is too complicated to do so at that point.
- You are allowed to request small changes to a final finished picture such as color adjustments or adding small details that I may have forgotten to add.

Copyright / Usage Policy

- As the artist I hold every right to the produced artwork, so I may do whatever I wish with it such as but not limited to:

  • Post the picture anywhere (giving you proper credit as the owner of the characters).

  • Promote myself with it in any place.

  • Use it in my professional portfolio.

  • Use it for live streams.

  • In the case of commercial projects: I can share on an agreed upon date unless stated otherwise (Fees may apply)

- As a commissioner you may:

  • Re-post the post version of the art on other sites with proper credit to my Deviant Art, Twitter or Instagram pages (with no profit purposes)

  • Print the art and make whatever merchandising you want as long as it's only for your personal use and not for sale.

  • Use it as decoration for your Deviant Art profile, Facebook avatar, Twitter etc... (with no profit purposes)

- As a commissioner you are NOT allowed to:

  • Change, modify, trace or use my works without my permission.

  • Take credit for the art. (Please always credit me)

  • Remove my watermark / logo

- The artist and client may not share each other's personal and/or contact details with third parties.


- No refunds are offered.

  • However, if I, for some reason, am unable to complete your commission I will inform you of such and will issue you a refund.

- Commissions are to be paid in full up front. I will only begin working on the artwork after payment has been received. Please do NOT send payment until I have accepted your commission by replying to your original order email and have sent an invoice.

  • Partial payments may be discussed for some Commercial projects.

- All Orders: Acceptable payment is USD via paypal.
- Fees and Add Ons final prices will be sent to you in my reply to your original order email.
- I expect payment to be received within 48 hours after I send you the invoice. If you won't be able to pay at that time, please let me know first so we can discuss any other agreements.

How To Order

- After getting yourself familiar with my Terms of Service, fill out the order text found on the order form page, and send it to my email: [email protected]
OR use the form on the order form page to send the order.
- Email Subject as “Art Commission Order”
- I’ll reply within 72 hours and let you know if I can accept your commission or not. If accepted I will include final price details, and any other important information as needed.

  • I will let you know if there is a waiting list at the time of the order as it depends on my current workload.

  • I will await your reply to this email that you understand/accept the final price as well as fully agree to my Terms of Service. If any further details need to be figured out we can discuss at this point and once finalized (including any possible price/fee changes) I will make sure you are ready for me to send the Paypal invoice over.

- Always wait for my answer and confirmation.
- After the invoice is sent I expect payment within 48 hours. I will inform you once I have received your payment, and will then begin the sketch process.
- Once the sketch is complete I will then contact you with the sketch and await your response before proceeding forward.

  • You can request any changes at this time. If you do make major changes I will only do them once.

  • I will then send the updated sketch for you to approve. If you include some small minor changes at this point, I will still need you to accept the sketch but include the minor changes notes. Once I have this reply I will continue the process in full.

- Once completed I will contact you with the final piece, you will get a Deviant Art Stash link with the full resolution .PNG and a smaller post version .PNG
- Once the picture is complete, small changes like: color adjustments, small detail addition/subtraction, and fixing mistakes, could be done free of charge. NO major changes like: clothing changes, poses, settings and backgrounds, will be done.

Character Designs

- By purchasing a character design from me, you agree to these Terms of Service.
- As the designer, I will always have all rights to the design, the original artwork, and the right to promote myself using the original artwork. Examples: Social media posts, prints, art books, events, etc.
- As a customer, you may give the design a name, personality, story, etc.
- You may convert my design to a closed species if granted permission by me and the species owner.
- You may resell my designs for equal to what you originally paid.
- You may trade my designs for other designs.
- You are allowed to gift my designs to other people.
- Co-Ownership is allowed as long as both parties pay 50/50.
- If you resell or trade my design, please contact me and tell me who the new owner is so fraud and scamming can be prevented.

Commercial Use

- If you want to order a commission for commercial use, prices will be double or triple that of a personal use commission depending on the complexity.
- I will NOT begin a commercial use commission order until we have the final prices figured out, then the process will be the same as a personal use Commission, unless other agreements are made at the time the order is placed.
- “Commercial use” means that the commission WILL generate you some kind of profit, whether it is monetary, in the shape of merchandise, or to promote yourself, a Youtube channel, an online shop, game assets, etc.


  • Level 1 - When the artwork is NOT the bulk of the product.

  • Examples: Promotional materials, CD covers, game assets, business cards, including Patreon, Youtube, and store assets, etc. In this case, my commission prices are multiplied x2

Nonzev Fullbody2nd CharacterSmall AnimalComplex background
Nonzev Chibi2nd CharacterSmall AnimalComplex background
Nonzev Headshot2nd CharacterComplex background
Nonzev Character SheetCharacter Design
Nonzev Character DesignCharacter Sheet

*Price may vary depending on complexity

  • Level 2 - When the artwork IS the bulk of the product and you're reproducing or selling it.

  • Examples: Merchandise, body pillow, postcard, prints, etc. In this case, my commission prices are multiplied x3

Nonzev Fullbody2nd CharacterSmall AnimalComplex background
Nonzev Chibi2nd CharacterSmall AnimalComplex background
Nonzev Headshot2nd CharacterComplex background
Nonzev Character SheetCharacter Design
Nonzev Character DesignCharacter Sheet

*Price may vary depending on complexity


  • Using the artwork as an icon/avatar for non-profit sites (such as your personal DeviantArt or Twitter), using it as your phone/computer background, or printing it to decorate your room (single copy).

You have the right to discuss any of these points with me, the artist, prior to ordering a commission.

Character Art
Commission order form

Send the order text to my email: [email protected]
Email Subject: “Art Commission Order”
OR USE THE FORM BELOW: Copy and paste the order text into the form!* - Obligatory | (remove the grey guideline text when sending)

Order Text

Your social media:* (I won't share publicly if you ask me)
Commission Style:*
Paypal email:*
Commercial use?:
Character name:*
Character personality traits:* (keep it short)
Visual References:*
Background:* (Simple or Transparent)
Add On: (2nd character, complex background, an animal, etc.)
(provide visual references for additional characters/animals here also)
------------If a Character sheet order must add
Bio info/text:*
Outfit Details to be highlighted and text:*
4 Emotions and text:* (May include some text to go along or only emotion names)
------------If a Character design order must add
Colors you would like/moodboard:*
Style of clothes you imagine for the character:*
Images for references of clothes:*
Design Notes:* (Add more info, like color of eyes, elf ears, etc. here)

Under Construction ------ check back later.

Graphic Design Portfolio

Some Company logos and info are removed or changed for privacy reasons
- Interested parties may inquire about direct references in private

Social Media Post Gallery

Story Gallery

Animated Gif Gallery

Under Construction ------ check back later.

Graphic Design Services


Graphic Design Services Status
- Social Media Management Weekly (Slot 1) - {TAKEN}
- Social Media Management Weekly (Slot 2) - {OPEN}
- Temp Project/One-time Based Social Media Posts - {OPEN}
- Branding Designs - {OPEN}

My Graphic Design Services listed are for Commercial use

Terms of Service

By ordering design services by me, you indicate that you have read and agree to my Terms of Service. It’s important for you to read it as you’ll automatically be accepting my terms upon your purchase. I am not responsible if the client fails to read the terms of service that I provide.

How To Order

Please send the order form to my email: [email protected]
Title as follows: “Graphic Design Order”
Please don’t order through DMs or comments on social media, only email
I’ll reply within 72 hours and let you know if I can accept your order or not.
We will discuss details and pricing as stated in my TOS.

Services Available

{Social media management} - $100.00* per week

• Regular Weekly Management of 2 Social media pages
{Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked in}
Breakdown: • 2 posts a week + 1 story or reel/short video • Weekly Management of engagement - likes, comments, views • Provides 3 - 4 Stock images per month if needed, as well as copy writing if needed, illustration posts also available • Invoice is sent monthly on the 10th of each month and due at the end of the month • *Price may vary depending on agreement

- Social Media Management Weekly (Slot 1) - {TAKEN}
- Social Media Management Weekly (Slot 2) - {OPEN}

{Social media Posts} - $20*

• 1 image Social Media Post
{Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked in}
Breakdown: • Provides 1 Stock image if needed, or, illustration
*Price may vary depending on agreement

Under Construction ------ check back later.

Terms of Service (TOS)
Graphic Design

Ordering my design services means that you have read and agree to the following conditions in my Terms of Service. Please read carefully!